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Let me tell you a little story about how WOO ROX custom fertility jewelry was born. Sometimes I crack up when I remember some of the wacko experiences we had trying to conjure this baby into existence. This story has three parts. Part 1: Chris and Jake's botched crystal caper Part 2: Merry Beth the crystal goddess who saved the Chris and Jake crystal caper. Part 3: WOO ROX, the custom jewelry Jake and Merry Beth created together, which helped Jake get and stay pregnant. I am now going to stop referring to myself in the third person.

First, some vocabulary.




  1. unconventional beliefs regarded as having little or no scientific basis, especially those relating to spirituality, mysticism, or alternative medicine.

I like just using "woo," the abbreviated version of it cause it feels a little dialled back, more comfortable to digest for some.  

For the record, I'm a complete woo believer. .

 Part 1.  I was going into my 5th embryo transfer, with three failed transfers and a miscarriage behind me. I was exhausted, emotionally and physically. I was at the point where when I would see a young beautiful pregnant woman instead of saying OMG she's so beautiful like I did before two years of hormones, I would have visions of tripping her. Hey, I'm not proud of myself for those thoughts but sometimes the truth is a little rough around the edges. In those moments, Chris would put his hand on me and quietly whisper, “demon come out”. Ha, no, I’m just kidding, he would say softly "it's ok baby, WE'RE NEXT."   "We're next" became my mantra.  

 Whenever Chris and I didn't get the results we wanted, ie positive pregnancy test, we would keep our regular protocol in place and just added something we weren't doing before. This time we chose something a little woo (thank goodness we started with the vocabulary right?). Crystals.  Yes, I thought, that’s the ticket.

I'll never forget going into the crystal store here in Atlanta 20 minutes before closing one rainy night. Chris and I planned to stock up on crystals for our bedroom. The crystal caper was my idea not his, but boy can he roll with a plan! I can't remember how we ended up in a heated discussion, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say it was because I was a desperate hormonal nut job at that point. I had done hours of research and was explaining to him something about grids, beside the bed, under the bed, in our water, in our underwear, not sure anymore, but it made me very intense. Chris listened (or pretended to) then presented me with this $350 massive amethyst and said: "hey, let's get this and get out of here." Well...my eyes rolled back in my head, and the next thing you know one of the timid hippy shop employees came over to tell us that the whole staff had agreed that it would be best if we went into the courtyard and put our arms around a huge tree out there before we made any decisions. I'm quite sure they also agreed that we should reconsider having a baby together at all because WE WERE CRAZY ANGRY PEOPLE WHO SHOULDN'T PROCREATE! We left we some incense, a greeting card and not one single crystal.

When I picked up the final product and put it on, I cried. OK, so at this point, crying was not unusual, but it WAS a magic moment. I did not take either piece off through cycle five and then cycle six ,the Avalon cycle.

When I started to bleed in the first trimester (there will be an entire blog dedicated to the first trimester bleeding, oh how exciting) the crystals were my comfort.

When we were in the waiting room for an appointment, my fingers ran over the stones, and each one of them vibrated calmness.

When I was having an ultrasound with the neonatal specialist, and everyone kept saying "geriatric this, and geriatric that" I held tight to those little nuggets of goodness tightly to keep myself from shouting "stop saying geriatric." 

When I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t feel Avalon moving right away (uh, cause she was sleeping like I should have been) I ran my fingers over every stone, meditating on the positive unique healing power.

Part 3. After Avalon was born, I put the jewelry away. When Avalon was around two, she found it and acted as if she had unearthed her most prized possession. It was bizarre! Never before or since have I seen her react to an object like that. She hugged it, caressed each crystal, rubbed it on her face, kissed it. It was nuts. I knew what it meant to me, but if ever there was a question of the power of these stones, it vanished in that instant. There was an undeniable recognition, a connection!  


I called MB immediately and said hey look, "you and I created something that I believe to be instrumental in the success of this pregnancy. I want to re-create that experience for my sisters out there who are on this path. Will you help me?" Before I finished my sentence, MB said "yeeeessss"! So here we are!  

In summation (ha, I just said summation). I believe in vibration. We live in an ocean of motion. In my journey, it wasn't always the scientific proof alone that got me through. It was believing in the unreasonable or the unexplainable. It was knowing that my body could have a baby despite the stats. This jewelry was a physical object that offered me comfort, confidence, hope, protection and bling.

It was tangible. It helped remind me of my mantras and hold my intentions.

I can say without hesitation that WOO ROX contributed to the success of our pregnancy with Avalon Berlin.  

Do I have proof? My proof that there is power in healing crystals is a two and a half-year-old sassy, curly-haired unicorn baby named Avalon, and no one can argue with that.Â