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Making and drinking green juice is like housecleaning to me. It requires an effort, but there is instant gratification! Somehow juicing feels like it has the power to counter any unhealthy thing I've ever done to my body. Every big ball of cotton candy, every late-night trip to Taco Bell (yup my fast-food guilty pleasure) feels thoroughly rubbed out by drinking this fresh, magic elixir.   

I've never met a fresh juice of any kind, colour or consistency that I didn't love. Earthy beet or carrot, fruit and herb melanges, straight-up orange, yum! Freshly juiced fruits and veggies are liquid gold! I was especially encouraged by our integrative Dr. to start drinking Green Juice regularly when we began our pregnancy journey. Why Green Juice you ask me? I asked the same question. We'll get to my list of whys in a minute. I LOVE lists! My mum is an Olympic level list maker, so I learned from the best! Everything I implemented into my routine was in the interest of helping my body function at its highest possible capacity. It just made sense to me that I would have better luck at getting and staying pregnant if my body was firing on all cylinders (omg, I just used a Dad reference) and juicing is a massive step in this direction!

I had never made green juice before at home. It was always that extravagant, healthy treat that I knew was good for me because it cost $8 a glass. Anything that expensive MUST be good for me! Sometimes I used that same reasoning for an airport Grey Goose Martini. Let's be clear: the health benefits of the latter are short-lived at best as opposed to Green juice.  

The first thing I had to do was get a juicer. Holy toot, there are jillions of them out there, and they're not cheap so how to choose? First I think we're all used to the lightning-fast shiny metal whizzing wonder machines at your local bodega. These machines have your pulpy juice ready in an instant and make the jjjjoop jjjjoop sound as they send the produce though in seconds. That machine is called a centrifugal juicer. It has metal blades and goes fast. As a result, it heats the fruits and veg and breaks down essential enzymes which is a wee bit counterintuitive in my opinion. Also, the speed in which the centrifugal super-machines run lets air into the mix, which causes oxidation. You know when you cut an apple and leave it out on the counter, and it turns brown, well that's oxidation, the goodness begins to disappear. Juicing is a commitment so for me I knew that I wasn't going to go to the trouble of washing, chopping, juicing and cleaning for a cheerful, refreshing beverage with half the benefit fried out. Don't get me wrong; it's still better than pop (that's soda in Canadian).  


What I learned is, to keep the integrity of the fresh fruit and veggies, the slow masticating juicers are the way to go. I thought it was weird that I paid what I did for my OMEGA 800 and It had plastic attachments. But alas, that is purposefully done! Both slower speed and the plastic attachments save your fruits and veggies from heating up, and that's what you want. Cold-pressed my friends! I LOVE our Omega, and it has been chugging along for five years now. It’s a big ticket item but trust and believe it…is…a brilliant investment in your health!

OK here's my list of Six whys for Green Juice

  1. Instant Energy. Fresh juice is like an immediate infusion of goodness. Your body isn't busy breaking down the fibre in your digestive system, so you get 100% of the nutrients, vitamins, minerals and enzymes directly into your system.

  2. Detoxification. Three main organs are responsible for detoxification, the liver, skin, and kidneys. Green juice gives these organs a boost so that they can stay energized enough to deal with all the toxins they have to process daily from pollution externally to pollution internally!

  3. Antioxidants. Antioxidants are like your super fierce body guards against disease and PREMATURE AGING eeeeeek. Oxidative stress leads to oxidative damage which leads to bad things; heart disease, cancer, diabetes, premature aging (did I say that twice? Sensitive much?). Fruits and vegetables are exploding with antioxidants so...drink more green juice.

  4. Great Gut Health. Green juice contains digestive enzymes, prebiotics and some Green Juice even contains probiotics, all of which support excellent gut health. I used to think that GUT meant a big fat stomach. Now I know that it is a part of your digestive system — it's where food travels after you eat it, to get broken down into nutrients and waste and then, well, you know. When the gut isn't functioning correctly, it can severely eff with your happiness!

  5. Bioavailability. How fast can a substance be absorbed and take action after it enters the body? Green Juice is the rockstar of bioavailability! That's part of its charm. Instant goodness!

  6. It's Delicious. Yeah so I guess that's subjective, but I dare you to disagree!

My recipe for Green Juice changes every time I make it just a little bit. Your taste buds will dictate what and how much of everything you want in it. Keep it green though except for a little bit of turmeric.

Green Juice Recipe

  • Three green apples cored and chopped into 2" cubes. If you want to sweeten it up a wee bit add one red apple.

  • One medium bunch of kale chopped into 2" x 2" pieces. Feel free to add spinach or romaine!

  • One cucumber (if you suffer from fear of lectins omit this, or remove the seeds)

  • One entire fennel bulb chopped in 2" pieces. Use the whole thing, even the little grassy bits!

  • One 2" x 2" chunk of ginger

  • One 2" piece of turmeric.

Some tips: 

  • Make sure that all your produce is organic. If ever there was a time to be absolute about organic food, it's when you're juicing. The juicer extracts the concentrated goodness out of whatever you put in it. The last thing you want is to be sipping on concentrated pesticides from the peelings of your apples!

  • Cut all pieces approximately 2" x 2". The machine doesn't have to work so hard, and it's just easier to manage as the feeding area of the juicer isn't big.

  • Alternate the super juice rich fruits and veggies first followed by the less juicy ones eg. apples or cucumbers first, kale or fennel second. The juice that builds up from the wetter produce is moved right on through by the dryer ones.

  • Make sure you have an airtight container to store your juice in. Keeping air out, keeps nutrients in. It usually has a shelf life of 2-3 days refrigerated before the nutrients begin to erode!

Have so much fun with this!